On Mon, 12 Jan 1998, Ian & Gill Watkins wrote:

> I want to upgrade one or two of the packages on my system beyond the stable 
> distribution. The newer packages are all requiring libc6, but that conflicts 
> (in DSELECT) with libc5 which is a dependence to a _very_ large number of 
> programs..... =:|
> What should I do? Forget it and wait?

One possibility would be to get the source tar package and make your own
debian package from that.  I've tried this a few times without a lot of
success, but will persevere (I've read all the debmake documentation, but 
still have a few problems). The other would be to compile and install the
software in a "relatively safe" directory such as /usr/local.

Bob Nielsen                 Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tucson, AZ                  AMPRnet:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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