Tim Thomson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> A friend of mine asked me if X-win was more efficient than Win95 on the
> same system?

Depends on how you define "efficient".

I usually use different computers in my department, and the first thing I do
is to install a X-Server for Win32, so I can use all the fine programms on
my debian box. 

Efficent in terms of "you can use better software": YES

Usually the X-Server is slower in terms of drawing the actual windows. But
this is a problem of the X-Server. I think a faster implementation could be

Efficent in terms of "drawing speed": most likely NO

Win95 and the various Linux windowmanager have a different look and feel. I
have customised my wm to my needs and I think it is far better then the
Win95 GUI.

Efficent in terms of "usability": I think YES

Anyone who works with Win95 knows that a application can hang this
system. If you use a X-Server, all programms run on your remote Linux
machine. No programm can hang your computer (except a bug in the X-Server).

Efficent in terms of "stability": a big YES
There are even more aspects, but you get the point.

> I said it would probably be better for somethings, and maybe slower than
> others, but I wasn't sure - so I though to ask you people.
> Anyone done any benchmarks???
So you refer to drawing speed? For a answer see above.

But if you mean a comparison in drawingspeed on the same hardware, one
computer running win95 and the other Linux with XFree or AccelX or MetroX, I
don't have the answer and I don't know any benchmarks. I think this also
depends on the graphiccard and how well it is supported by the Linux X-Server.


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