> Debian seems to have made it as one of the more popular distributions.
> I would recommend working on it. Debian could benefit greatly from
> some polishing.

I agree whole-heartedly on this.  It seems to me (from a reasonably brief
scan of the SEUL web pages) that Debian and SEUL compliment each other

Debian is an already functioning and robust distribution, and SEUL is
interested in developing what is Debian's weakest point, it's 'user

If there was some way for the two efforts to merge and for everyone to be
happy with this merger then I think that this would be *WONDERFULL* for
everyone.  Perhaps part of SEUL and the Deity project would have
overlapping goals?


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 4050 Lake Otis             Adam Shand        (v) +1 907 562 4638
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