On 13 Jan, Scott Ellis wrote:
> Copy your secret and public key files to your linux machine

And when you do this copy, be really carefull with what you do; it
would be very easy to leave around copies of the secret key, thus
compromizing the key.

As a thumb's rule, re-format all the floppy disks that you have used to
move your secret key.
Don't trust delete or rm. it is very easy to undelete a file under M$,
but even with rm it is possible to get the content of the file using a
disk editor.
A safe remove is to copy a file over the file to be removed and then
remove it.

Be paranoic with your secret key!
Using pgp is an annoyance needed to get trust, but being annoyed
without the advantages is much worse.

| Pluto Leader - Debian Developer & Happy Debian 1.3.1 User - vi-holic
| 6F7267F5 fingerprint 57 16 C4 ED C9 86 40 7B 1A 69 A1 66 EC FB D2 5E
> more than 35 months are needed to get rid of the millennium. [me]
>If NT is your answer, means you didn't understand the question.[som1]

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