Hello all,

I am going to be using linux to set up a small intranet web server/mSQL 
DBserver for a client of mine and have a bit of concern about the system i 
have scoped to use.  they have an old dx-33 with 20mb ram that isn't doing 
anything which should really be fine for what i'm thinking about setting 
up.  (any concerns?) only problem is that it only has a 128MB drive in it 
that i would like to be at least a 540MB.  of course i can't find anything 
smaller than a 1.6GB these days.  Because the motherboard is an old VESA 
thing (as is the IDE controller) I am worried that it's BIOS won't support 
LBA.  if this is the case will it be a problem?  is there something that i 
can do to get around this?  am i going to have to upgrade the motherboard 
to something newer? (and then the video card too because i can't buy 
anything but PCI boards these days)  we are trying to keep cost relatively 
low here. (non-profit organization)

thanks for any suggestions,


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