  I'm a new Linux user, so I've got some unsolved 
  1. First, the Linux Loader LILO doesn't work correctly. 
     Win95 and Debian 1.3 run on my box, so if Win95 runs  
     as default, Linux won't boot, if Linux runs as default, 
     I'm unable to boot Win95. Here are some system  
  Harddisk: Quantum Fireball 2.10 GB 
  No ramdisk support 
  LILO  configuration file: 
  # LILO configuration file 
  # Start LILO global section 
  boot = /dev/hda 
  compact               # faster, but won't work on all systems. 
  delay = 10      # 10 Sek. Reaktionszeit 
  vga = 1               # force sane state 
  ramdisk = 0   # paranoia setting 
  install = /boot/boot.b 
  map = /boot/map 
  # End LILO global section 
  # DOS bootable partition config begins 
  other = /dev/hda1 
    label = m 
    table = /dev/hda 
  # DOS bootable partition config ends 
  # Linux bootable partition config begins 
  image = /vmlinuz 
    root = /dev/hda5 
    label = l 
    read-only # Non-UMSDOS filesystems should be mounted read-only for checking 
  # Linux bootable partition config ends 
  # Alternative: alten Kernel booten 
  image = /vmlinuz.bak 
    root = /dev/hda5 
    label = lb 
  Partition table (fdisk): 
  Disk /dev/hda: 64 heads, 63 sectors, 1023 cylinders 
  Units = cylinders of 4032 * 512 bytes 
     Device Boot   Begin    Start      End   Blocks   Id  System 
  /dev/hda1   *        1        1      204   411232+   6  DOS 16-bit  =32M 
  /dev/hda2          205      205     1022  1649088    5  Extended 
  /dev/hda5   *      205      205      245    82624+  83  Linux native 
  /dev/hda6          246      246      261    32224+  82  Linux swap 
  /dev/hda7          262      262      509   499936+  83  Linux native 
  /dev/hda8          510      510      560   102784+  83  Linux native 
  /dev/hda9          561      561      713   308416+  83  Linux native 
  /dev/hda10         714      714      917   411232+  83  Linux native 
  /dev/hda11         918      918     1022   211648+  83  Linux native 
  Partition table (cfdisk): 
                                Disk Drive: /dev/hda 
                Heads: 64   Sectors per Track: 63   Cylinders: 1023 
      Name        Flags         Part Type      FS Type                  Size 
      /dev/hda1   Boot          Primary        DOS FAT16 [           ]     
      /dev/hda5   Boot          Logical        Linux                        
      /dev/hda6                 Logical        Linux Swap                   
      /dev/hda7                 Logical        Linux                       
      /dev/hda8                 Logical        Linux                       
      /dev/hda9                 Logical        Linux                       
      /dev/hda10                Logical        Linux                       
      /dev/hda11                Logical        Linux                       
                                Pri/Log        Free Space                    
  The partitions /dev/hda8 to /dev/hda11 are not in use
  2. I've installed XEmacs. The keys "Backspace" and "Delete" work both as 
     I'd like it, that "Delete" works as "Control-D" (^D).
     I've tried this in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc, but it doesn't help:
     xmodmap -e "keycode 22=Backspace"
  3. I don't like it to shutdown the computer. So if I don't work, I shutdown 
to the
     xdm-login and switch off the monitor. But if I want to login after some 
time, the 
     xdm-login is shifted up and after login the screen presents a much wider 
     so I have to adjust the monitor again.
     My monitor is a new Yakumo Modell.
     Default resolution is "1158x864".
     Maybe it helps to print some parts of the /etc/X11/XF86Config file:
  Section "Monitor"
     Identifier      "Primary Monitor"
     VendorName      "Unknown"
     ModelName       "Unknown"
     HorizSync       30-65
     VertRefresh     50-100
     Modeline  "1024x768"   85.00 1024 1028 1148 1348 768 772 775 819
     Modeline  "800x600"    69.65 800 864 928 1088 600 604 610 640 -hsync -vsync
     Modeline  "640x480"    45.80 640 672 768 864 480 488 494 530 -hsync -vsync
     Modeline  "640x400"    31.50 640 672 736 832 400 401 404 445 -hsync +vsync
     Modeline  "512x384"    22.00 512 528 592 640 384 385 388 404 -hsync -vsync
     Modeline  "480x300"    29.95 480 504 584 624 300 319 322 333 doublescan
     Modeline  "400x300"    25.00 400 424 488 520 300 319 322 333 doublescan
     Modeline  "320x240"    15.75 320 336 384 400 240 244 246 262 doublescan
     Modeline  "320x200"    12.59 320 336 384 400 200 204 205 225 doublescan
     Modeline  "1280x1024" 110.00 1280 1292 1476 1704 1024 1025 1028 1086
     Modeline  "1152x864"   92.00 1152 1156 1316 1502 864 865 875 919
  Section "Device"
     Identifier      "Primary Card"
     VendorName      "Unknown"
     BoardName       "Matrox Mystique"
     Ramdac          "ti3026"
     Chipset         "mga1064sg"
     ClockChip       "ti3026"
  4. And at last, my cdrom drive (ATAPI-typ) will umount itself after some 
     seconds I've mounted it. 
     Very strange: dselect reads and installs from the cdrom drive correctly.
     I compiled ATAPI-support, but not "other ide chipset support", because
     I Don't know if I need it.
  Hope anybody can help me, bye

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