On Fri, Jan 16, 1998 at 08:43:06AM -0500, Pure Energy wrote:
> Now if i put a cd in the drive and try to mount it i get the following..
>       Root [~]#>mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdh /cdrom
>       mount: special device /dev/hdh does not exist 
> I was told that i need a script to enable/create devices this high (is
> this correct??) and if so where/what is it? 

Not at all;

% mknod /dev/hdh b 34 64

will do the job nicely. These numbers (34 64) are from the
Documentation/devices.txt from the kernel source.

In fact, /dev/MAKEDEV, the program SUPPLIED for creating devices
without looking up the numbers, and part of the *required*
package makedev, can happily do it for you:

% cd /dev
% ./MAKEDEV hdh

MAKEDEV knows about most of the devices you'd ever want to make.

So all you need is the kernel source to get the magic numbers
or MAKEDEV. Nothing special involved.

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