Pere Camps wrote:

> Jens,
> > Do you already have a domain controller? If so, you can have samba
> > authenticate using the NT domain controller.
>         No, I don't have a domain controller. I just have the linux box
> (which mainly serves e-mail and some file sharing) and a Win 3.11 box that
> everybody uses with no access control. I'm going to put another machine
> with Windows now, and that's why I wanted to see if Linux had
> authentification, to see if I could save myself the hours of
> reconfiguration that the win 3.11 machine needs every couple of weeks
> because of ignorant users.

Oh, ok, then you're situation isn't so bad. It certainly can do
authentication. I was guessing that you're in the same boat I am where you
have a hybrid environment which includes NT domains and you want them all to
work together. If all you want is user authentication, samba can do that just
fine. It can use your /etc/passwd or you can set up separate accounts. If you
want help you can send me email and I'll help you get it going. I've been
using Samba for years.

> > entirely. NT is going to use X.500 directory services for it's
> > user/passwords, domains, etc. As unbelievable as it is, they are going
> > to replace their current crappy proprietary system with an actual ISO
> > standard.
>         Great news really. I never though that M$ was going to ease up
> things that way.
> Salutacions, Pere       ----  __o         mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   2:343/108.91       -----  _`\<;_
> PGP key available     ---  (_)/ (_)    "Lo importante es el concepto"

Jens B. Jorgensen

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