On Fri, Jan 16, 1998 at 03:15:14PM -0700, Paul Rightley wrote:
> Yes, I understand very well NOW that there are no hamm disks yet.
> My point was that this upgrade of Debian is really expecting a lot
> of "typical Debian users."  At first glance, I thought that
> disks under dists/unstable/main/disks-i386 would actually belong
> to the unstable distribution.  It is such slight perception that can
> really make things difficult for most users.  For instance, Scott
> Ellis' Mini-HOWTO is very good - I followed all of the portions
> of it that called out specific packages and that didn't seem like
> "suggestions" (as opposed to "necessary steps").  In this case,
> I did not upgrade libgdm1 and perl and due to another (slight)
> circumstance, was left with an unusable system after I launched
> dselect.

Did you ever use --force-blah with dpkg? Was it ever possible to hose
your system without using --force-blah?

I upgraded my system before Scott's HOWTO was written; at that stage
it was fairly simple and all the dependencies seemed to prevent
me from doing anything wrong. IIRC, it was basically a case of
installing new ld.so, removing the libc5 -dev libraries, installing
libc6, installing the hamm non-g libraries, then installing the hamm g 
libraries, then anything else, like bash. For a while I only upgraded
the libraries (just to support running new libc6 stuff from hamm),
not bothering with existing packages. Never any sign of trouble.

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