> After running debian, if I reboot into DOS or win95, my cdrom is not > detected by the driver. I have to power off and back on before by cdrom is > accessible again. It is an IDE/ATAPI 24X cdrom. I'm not sure of the brand > offhand. Just curious if anyone has encountered similar problems, or might > have any suggestions.
I have encountered the same behaviour with a TEAC CD-56E 6X IDE/ATAPI drive. In my case, I've found that I don't actually have to power down in order for the drive to be recognized by Windows (NT4 in my case), but rebooting via the reset switch is sufficient. So when I need to switch my OS, I've been halting the system ("shutdown -h now"), then pressing reset after I saw a confirmation message for the halt. -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .