Tim Thomson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Found it: type "xhost remote.addr" on the local machine before telneting
> to it.

This means *any* user on that machine can use your machine to do
things like snooping on passwords you type or sending "M-! rm -rf ."
to your Emacs.

Something I used to use at University was like:

    xauth nextract - $HOSTDISPLAY | rsh -l misc2374 cantua \
        "xauth remove $HOSTDISPLAY; xauth nmerge -" &

It was actually a bit more complicated because of disagreeing NIS and
DNS setups on the X terminals and cantua.  The "xauth remove" bit
might be unnecessary on new versions of X too.

> I can't try it cause I'm behind a IP-MASK'ed firewall. Got to work out how
> to forward X-win stuff. What port is it on?

It's on port 6000.  (Try "DISPLAY=localhost:0 xeyes & sleep 1; netstat -t").

The "redir" program could work as well, to forward port 6000 on the
firewall to port 6000 on the real machine.

         Carey Evans  http://home.clear.net.nz/pages/c.evans/

          GNU GPL: "The Source will be with you... always."

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