Hi, All

i'm going to set up terminal
for my P133 home terminal.

i've got 386sx 20MHz and 
put Debian on it (it was quite
exiting to see Linux running
on computer with 2.92 bogomips).

i've got also two NE2K
ethernet cards which are recognized by
Linux and now waiting for
cable with cross-over wires.
So far so good...

My pentium system has static IP
address and working PPP connection

The question is what to do next.

i want to have terminal to be able
to see outside world

As far as i understand from reading
NET-3 HOWTO i can use dedicated
class C addresses (something like 196.xxx)

Is there any docs how to do it?

Is there tools to check ethernet connections
(just to see how computers send and receive pockets) ?

Any help is greatly appresiated.



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