On Sun, 18 Jan 1998, Timothy M. Hospedales wrote:

>     My MOZILLA_HOME as well as all the other directories NSN  must find as
> described in the README are already set. :(.However, everyone who has replied
> indicating success seems to be running full hamm. Mine is half bo, half hamm.
> I suspect that the problem is rooted in the half bo, half hamm thing.....
>     Does anyone run applets successfully in NSN4 under a dual libc5 & libc6
> system?Thanks,
> Timothy.

Yep I have it working fine here ... under a Libc5/Libc6 envroment ... as I
have some graphics programs the only come as binarys ... :( I have to have
libc5 ... java stuff works fine ... here...

> > > Mine works fine.  I'm running full hamm, how about you?
> > >
> >   Works fine here too, full hamm.
> >
> >   For those who are having trouble, you need to set the environment variable
> > MOZILLA_HOME to the path where netscape is located.  On my machine, it is
> > located in...
> >
> >   MOZILLA_HOME=/usr/lib/netscape
> >
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Orn Einar Hansen                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >                                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >                                         voice+fax; +46 035 217194
> >
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