> Date: Samstag, 17. Januar 1998 02:34

> 1°) Try commenting compact

Already tried that, then LILO started but only typed 'LI'

> 2°) I don't think that your BIOS support lba.

I don't either... :-)

> If I'm right you'll have to 
> declare your disk as having 16 heads, 63 sectors, 3308 cylinders 
> because lilo relies on the BIOS to access the kernel and your BIOS
> don't know how to handle more than 16 heads.


> The only annoyance 
> will be to ensure that the kernel resides in the 1024 firs cylinders : 
> just create a (small) partition there and mount it as /boot or a slightly
> larger one and mount it as / .

But all of my HD-space is already in use! From where should I get the
'small' partition, that also has to reside in the first 1024 cylinders? Oh!
I've got an idea, what if I just kill this unused Linux/MINIX-partition and
the swap-partition and 'switch them round' (so that there is a small space
of 1024 cylinders infront of swap left). It would (probably) look something
like this:

   Device Boot   Begin    Start      End   Blocks   Id  System
/dev/hda1   *        1        1        3     8064   83  Linux native  <--
will be mounted as /boot, should I mark it with 'bootable' ?
/dev/hda2            4        4       29    50368+  82  Linux swap  <-- now
my swap is here
/dev/hda3           30       30       45    32256   83  Linux native  <--
this is /
/dev/hda4           46       46      827  1576512    5  Extended
/dev/hda5           46       46      260   433408+  83  Linux native
/dev/hda6          261      261      281    42304+  83  Linux native
/dev/hda7          282      282      827  1100704+  83  Linux native

I'll have to tell Linux to look at hda2 for a swap partition... probably in
fstab, right? But  can I just change the partition while the system is
running? I couldn't find any notes on this. 

Is the following procedure possible:

1. I change the partition tabel as shown above, using the cfdisk-utility
2. I edit fstab and correct the data in there
3. I rerun lilo
4. I change HD-info (16 heads, 63 sectors, 3308 cylinders) in BIOS
5. I'm happy because everything works (now without start-disk)
6. I say thanx to all people who helped me set up my computer :-)

- Fabian

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