Craig Sanders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote about upgrading to libc6:

>After it [Craig's fine upgrade script] has run, it is still up to you
>to run dselect and upgrade the >rest of the system. this is not an
>option - once you start upgrading >to hamm, you really have to do a
>complete upgrade...there are too many >incompatibilities between libc5
>based bo (and rex) and the new libc6 >based hamm. not completing the
>upgrade once you've started it will be a >lot more trouble and a lot
>more work than just going ahead and doing it. [..] if you've never done an
>upgrade to hamm before, set aside at least a day.

You make me startle! I had the impression that one could slowly
upgrade, starting with your script. Because I would like to run wine
and dosemu, and I want to use my IDE CD-rewriteble, all of which are not or
not well supported in the bo version, I decided to upgrade to libc6, expecting
that I could later on, when I have time, pick up and install other
debian packages that I seem to need. I ran your script and afterwards
my computer seems to run as fine as it did before. What is the kind of
trouble that I can expect if I only run your upgrade script without
further upgrading?


Paul Huygen

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