Vladislav Papayan x285 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Would anyone know how to verify that I am connecting to
> Internet at 56K.  I run Debian hamm + 2.1.78 kernel.

> What else do I need to do to get it going at 56K.   And may be I am
> connecting at 56K -- but how do I verify it for sure (my modem
> is US Robatics external).

Quick solution:

use ncftp to download a binary file from your ISP's ftp server. It will tell
you the transfer rate after finishing the download.

Some thoughts about connectspeed:

You can't relay on the speed negotiated during connect. Here in germany, a
stable connect is at most 46.000 Bytes/s. And some tests (www.cnet.com) say
the same for the US.

Most modems have some AT commands which tell them how risky(=fast) they
should connect. If the modem chooses a too high connectspeed, errors will
occur during transfer. This is no problem. The modem will decrease its
speed. But you won't notice this as you can't ask a modem about it's current
speed. The opposite case is possible as well. The modem will increase its
speed on good connects.

My guess about why you get "56k" on WinNT:

You use a USR modemdriver for NT. This driver sets the above mentioned
"risksetting" very high. So you get a "56k connect". But the modem will
decrease its speed very soon as errors during transfer will occur often.

On Linux you use AT&F to initialise your Modem. The &F settings have a
rather conservativ risksetting and you get a minor connectspeed.

You could do a test:

Download a somewhat big file form your ISP's FTP Server, one time using NT
and one time using Linux. Then you can see if I am right.


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