On Tue, Jan 20, 1998 at 07:21:09PM -0500, Robert D. Hilliard wrote:
>      It sounds like you are talking about Bug#15854.  On 11 Dec 1997
> the maintainer's response to the bug report included a patch to fix
> it, which he said would be included in perl 5.004.04-4.  
>      My rex system contains non-empty directories that trigger this
> problem, but my bo system does not.  I don't know if some bo systems
> have them, or if all rex systems do.  It may depend on the upgrade
> history of a particular box.
>      As of last night, perl 5.004.04-4 was not on ftp.debian.org.  I
> believe this should be considered a release-critical bug, as it can
> break the auto upgrade script, leaving a system in an unstable
> state.  

Yes I found that /usr/lib/perl5/i486-linux/5.002/auto/Socket 
still contained two files, which caused problems in the postinst.

Actually, they still exist on my hamm box (upgraded buzz->rex->bo->hamm)
but I'm still running 5.004.02-1; just upgraded to 5.004.04-3 and
had the same problem, error 123.

dpkg doesn't seem to know which package owns the files in that directory
though, so it's somebody's bug of the past. But perl needs to deal with it


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