On Wed, 21 Jan 1998, Jean Pierre LeJacq wrote:

> I've attempt to use the documented feature of super to direct its
> logging information to the syslog daemon without success.  Logging to
> a file works.  Here's an extract from /etc/super.tab:
>   :global \
>     gethostbyname="n" \
>     logfile="/var/log/super.log" \
>     rlog_host="localhost" \
>     syslog="y"
> Any ideas why this doesn't work?

the rloghost="localhost" line above makes me think that super is trying to
use syslog via a network connection to the syslog port of localhost instead
of using the syslog() function calls in the libc.

by default, syslogd does NOT accept network connections from any host
(including localhost, i believe) because that is a potential security
hole (a DoS attack to fill up the syslog host's disks with garbage is
easy to construct).

read the docs for syslogd to find out how to turn it on and why you
probably shouldn't.

you would be better off seeing if you can get super to log via calls
to syslog() rather than network syslogging. in /usr/doc/super/examples
there is an example showing :

                # Also log via syslog (just for demonstration :-).
                :global syslog=y

This may or may not do what you want - i.e it may not try a network
connecttion to syslog unless you give it an rlog_host definition.


craig sanders

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