I have a setup where I have multiple win95 boxes hiding behing a 
linux box with IP Masquerading. I've been trying to get CU-SEEME to work
on any one of the win95 boxes. I found a document 
(http://www.waste.com/vc/ipmcus.htm) that gave me the following instructions:

ipautofw -A -r udp 7648 7649 -c udp 7648 -u

modprobe ip_masq_cuseeme 

Both commands executed fine, but my win95 box can't connect to any reflectors.
It keeps informing me that the connection has failed. Unfortunately, I haven't
found any way of debugging the problem other than checking to make sure the
module was loaded. it was. 

Any ideas on how to debug this problem would be appreciated. 


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