
 Notebook:        HP Omnibook 4000C  486/50  8MB RAM  500MB DISK

 Linux-Partition: 250MB

 SCSI-Interface:  Port Replicator

 CDROM:           NEC Multispin SCSI 4x

 Linux:           Debian 1.3.1 on CDROM


Hi experts,

I am trying to install Linux on my notebook. Unfortunately Linux

does not recognize the CDROM. I have tried every CDROM-device

(e.g. /dev/scd0) but Linux does not recognize it as a block device.

I guess it is because of the port replicator. When Linux boots

it says that 0 scsi hosts were detected.

The CDROM works fine with Win95 or MS-DOS. For MS-DOS I have a

driver called Adaptec EZ-SCSI.

Has anybody installed Linux on an Omnibook? Or does anybody have

a solution what I can do?

I even cannot compile c-programms because cc is not installed.

I have installed the basic kernel via floppys. But it is too hard

to install all of Linux via floppys :-(

Please reply directly to me because I am not on this maillist.

Thank you very much in advance for any helpful response.

Ralf Durben



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