"Marcelo E. Magallon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On 23 Jan 1998, Martin Bialasinski wrote:
> > So despite turning of this feature, smail *does* check the DNS. I'll
> > have another look at this and will probably file a bugreport. 
> I don't recall if you said it's a dial-up connection, but I guess it is...

Yes, it is. Dynamic IP assignment. 

> Here's a related message I sent to debian-devel regarding this issue. I
> really hope this helps.

Unfortuantly it does not. I don't have problems with sending mails, as I
used a "private" domainname right from the beginning.

This issue is about smail checking the "Sender:" header of incoming mail.
My local setup is O.K., so mails I send get through. But incoming mail,
delivered by fetchmail has a problem.

Check this:

01/23/1998 18:22:17: [m0xvmo3-0003jkC] remote MAIL FROM:
'<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>SIZE=2423' target
'walker0-187.reshall.ou.edu' is not a valid domain (no MX record); by
haitech.internet-treff.de [].

Smail drops such mail. I could say "what the %$&ยง, it is *their* broken
setup, not mine", but in regard of smail being debian's prefered MTA and
debian 2.0 at the horizon, I believe smail shouldn't check the sender by

DNS lookup also slows down the process of mailretrieving using fetchmail.

To say this straight: You'll *loose* *mail*, if you retrieve it with

But mda "formail -s procmail" is a good tip, so I can keep this smail
version for testing and still reliably retrieve mails.


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