I've just guided a friend through an installation of Debian over the

He had a hard time getting LILO to install to the MBR of the first HDD.

He has Win95 on the first IDE and was installing Linux on the second. It's
hard to tell over the phone with a first time linux user if they are
reporting the problem accurately but we gave up due to the "apparant"
unwillingnes of the script to install to anyting but the MBR of the second
HDD or a floppy.

We gave up and I read out word for word what was in my lilo.conf file so
he could use that (which worked miraculously).

I've just ran the liloconfig script on mine and it was a fairly confusing
process and I reinstalled my backup lilo.conf file after it.

My old lilo.conf was generated by slackware over a year ago and I normally
edit it manually.  

Why was the script so determined to install on the second HDD when my
system happily has LILO booting from the MBR of my first ?

          Thank God, thank GNU, thank Gdebian.
John Spence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  http://www.lynx.net.au/~jspence

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