Sorry for the possible reposting, I have been having trouble with my

Firstly, thank you all for the tips on the Libc5/6 problem I was having.

I have a small network at home, and wasted to hook it to a common linux

I installed ipmasq2.2 a few days ago and get the error.
"ipfwadm: setsockopt failed: Protocol not available"

I read the HOWTO and did all but recompile the Kernel.  I was under the
understanding that the kernel in Debian has ipforwarding already compiled
in it. The .deb package seemed to install ok, and I have the required
dependant .deb files installed. Have I set up something wrong or not set up
something ?    The Kernel version is 2.0   Perhaps it may be better to use
The Socks4 server, or Transproxy.
Any advise would be greatly appreciated.

Ian Perry

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