Sorry for the off topic post, but I'm having problems
connecting to work from my home debian system, while veryone
else gets in on their Win95 systems :-(

I have an NEC Aterm IT65Pro TA/DSU combo connected to my
serial port, with three rj-11 ports configred for analogue
on the TA and the TA's serial port configured to ISDN (I
guess).  My modem is connected to one of the analogue ports,
and this works fine when I dial up to our Ascend MAX 2000
(configured for Hybrid connections).  However, when I use
the same script, but the serial port, it gags with either:



Serial connection established
Using interface ppp0
Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS1
Serial line is looped back
Connection terminated


Connect script failed

in no particular order of frequency (although the NO
CARRIER message is fairly frequent).

In addition, I have ISDN working to my ISP with no problem,
but I have no idea what gear is used onthe other end.  I
tried using the same script that works with my ISP to
connect to work, but it didn't fly.  In all cases, I'm using
PAP authentication.  

The MAX FAQ mentions problems with TAs using V.120 mode
(text) instead of asynch-synch conversion and some TAs
getting confused by this.  The implication is that the ppp
software causes the v.120 negotiation to begin incorrectly
where the TA tries to bring up both channels, starting with
the 1st, uses v.120 though, and can't bring up the second
without first canning the 1st -- resulting in NO CARRIER

This sounds like what might be happenning to me, but I have
no idea how I can check.  The FAQ also seems to indicate
that the MAX could be configured to work with misconfigured
TAs providing the TAs are not using PAP or CHAP, but in
order to use PAP or CHAP over ISDN, the TA has to negotiate
in asynch-synch conversion mode (whatever that is).  Since
this v.120 vs asynch-synch nonsense is initialted by the ppp
software (perhaps the dial string?), I'm wondering if I can
force the asynch-synch stuff somehow.  My "connect" line
reads like this:

connect '/usr/sbin/chat -v "" atdtxxxxxxxxxx CONNECT'

Other ppp options are standard, and work with the modem
dialup and the ISDN cinnection to my ISP.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.



"Until we extend the circle of our compassion to all living 
things, we will not ourselves find peace" -Albert Schweitzer

Richard G. Roberto

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