Hi Martin,

You wrote:

> > For instance, users bernie and bobbern belong to group 'users'. If I set
> > gid=100 (group 'users' gid) then user bernie cannot, say, copy files to
> > the mounted msdos partition. But if I set gid=1000 (user 'bernie' gid),
> > then bernie can copy files to the mounted partition. In both cases I use
> > a mount option 'umask=002', which gives 'group' permission to create and
> > delete files, does it not?
> It should work. You did check, that "bernie" is really a member of group
> users? 

Stupid me; what I didn't check is whether files were actually being copied to
the target msdos dir (in this case '/opendos/'). They are being copied! But cp
gives me a message to the contrary, for instance:

bernie$ cp newsgroups /opendos/
cp: /opendos/newsgroups: Operation not permitted

But the file newsgroups is there in /opendos/! And, no, it isn't a question of
legal dos filenames, as I've checked this with files conforming to 8.3 dos

I scoured the man page for cp, but to no avail. Can I alias cp with an option
to not produce this meaningless message? But where does it come from?? 


Confused in Rhode Island <g>

Bob Bernstein                 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Esmond, R.I.       <http://www.brainiac.com/bernie>

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