"David E. Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Tommi,
>       My system initially was a Win95B system using FAT32 for the full 5 gig
> drive. I bought Powerquest Partition Magic to resize the FAT32 partition
> down so that I could put an msdos partition (800M) and a 1.5G extended
> partition containing both the Linux partition and swap partitions).
> Partition Magic comes with "IBM's Boot Manager" which I installed as the
> fourth primary partition at the top of the 5gig drive so I could select
> between Win 95, Linux, and I also wanted to be able to boot to the msdos
> partition to run the Win 3.1 system from my previous computer. 
>       To your knowledge, is the Boot Manager referred to here one and the
> same as the Boot Manager you're using?

I don't know, however as far as I know putting the Linux Loader (lilo) 
to the boot block of the Linux root partition (the logical partition i this 
case) shouldn't break anything. 

/Tommi Kääriäinen/

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