On Mon, 26 Jan 1998, Cynyde wrote:

> All right, don't flame me too hard. I want to download Debian. Someone
> told me to go to debian/dists/stable. From there, what file(s) do I need
> to download if I have no previuos version of Debian. I am not lazy, I
> have read all th README files. I have Rawrite to save it to disk, but
> the rest of the commands in th README files (like dselect) seem to be
> for Unix or Linux users. I am running under Win95 and have a spare hard
> drive for Linux but, for the life of me, I can't find the file(s). From
> debian/dists/stable/main/ I downloaded a file called "Contents-i386.gz"
> and "contents.gz".  Are these the files I am looking for?

These file are lists of the available debian packages (gzipped).

Go to debian/dists/stable/main/disks-i386/current and get the install.txt
file and it will tell you how and what files you need to download to get

You will need to download several files from that directory and put them
on floppy disks using rawrite2.  These will configure your hard drive and
install enough of a Linux system for you to do the remainder of the
installation using dselect.

Bob Nielsen                     Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tucson, AZ                      AMPRnet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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