>>>>> "Jess" == Jess Stryker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Jess> For some reason the gfig plug plug-in for The Gimp is not
    Jess> included in the Debian distribution.(?)  I have been trying
    Jess> for days to compile it but it complains of missing libraries
    Jess> that I am unable to locate.  Has anyone been able to
    Jess> sucessfully compile this plug-in with the hamm distribution?
    Jess> Or is it another program that is not compatable with libc6/
    Jess> hamm libraries?

There is a quick howto on compiling GIMP plugins in
/usr/doc/gimp/README.debian. Try reading that! :)

Your problem is that you're probably forgetting to link your plugin
with all the libraries GIMP needs, like gtk, glib, and all the others.

And it looks like the gfig plug-in is not compiled into GIMP by
default, because gfig is a little unstable. I'm releasing 0.99.18 of
GIMP today, so we'll see if gfig is built in by default.

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