yet another version. changes are: v0.16 1998-01-27 (Craig Sanders) - really added localebin to remove list. - defined $DATE variable. - moved the changelong into a separate file
available from: This message will be the LAST ANNOUNCEMENT of new versions i post. The latest version will always be available from the URLs above. please check that you have the latest version before you use the script. it will also be available from , along with my own autoup.tar.gz file containing all the files needed by the script. I don't have the tar.gz on because i've only got a 28.8k connection to the net here at home. this is my machine at work which doesn't have anywhere near enough memory so i tend to kill off apache and other stuff when it swaps too much. I should be getting another 64MB for it in a day or two :-) craig -- craig sanders -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .