Johann Spies wrote:
  >When I want to write a date to a postgres table in the following query
  >(using python and pygresql)
  >     '','ACKERMAN','','O','M','B','','','17/06/1997','19/08/1997')
  >the following error message occurs:
  >Traceback (innermost last):
  >  File "<stdin>", line 78, in ?
  >  File "<stdin>", line 71, in skryf_data
  >ValueError: WARN:Bad date external representation 
  >I have the following lines in my .bashrc to set the locale:
  >export LANG
  >I also did a 
  >os.system("set DateStyle to 'SQL,European'")
  >in the program to see if that will solve the problem, but it made no
The message you are getting appears to be a PostgreSQL message, but the
syntax you are using works OK in psql.  Is it possible that Python is
mangling the data being sent to the backend? Can you run a debugger to
check what is happening?

Try running the postmaster in the foreground and have the backend echo 
queries, to check what requests the backend is seeing.

Oliver Elphick                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Isle of Wight                    

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