On Tue, 27 Jan 1998, Rolf Obrecht wrote:

> On Mon, 26 Jan 1998, Howard S. Ostrowsky wrote:
> > The first one is an HP LaserJet Plus (500K memory) with serial and 
> > parallel interfaces.  It works well (parallel) under DOS and windows. 
> > In Linux I can print ascii text, but not post-script.  I am using
> > Magicfilter and Aladdin-Ghostscript, but when I send a postscript
> > document to the printer it justs hangs.  A log file says "25% done...50%
> Hi,
> I had a similar problem (using gs and magicfilter). I found that
> ghostscript crashed while converting the PS-file to PCL. The effect was
> that lpq said "all xxx bytes printed" but the printer remained silent and
> no errormessages were generated. You might try to call the gs-commandline
> for magicfilter from shell to see if gs hangs and fiddle with the drivers
> or additional gs-switches to get it working.
> ---
I think the laser jet+ prints postscript actually from graphic mode. With
500k memory, you can only get about 1/2 page of graphics while printing
300x300. See if you can configure Ghostscript to use less resolution (say
150x300 or something similar). That's what I had to do with windows and
some dos programs.


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