Hello All,

Sorry if this too far off topic, but I thought there might be others out
there with the same questions, or possibly some answers.


   I'm not completely clear on a couple of things with pgp yet...  By way of
explanation, I'm really a newbie at Linux, having migrated over from Win
3.1/95.  I was using MIT pgp 2.6.2 with an RSA 2047 bit key. It's been
awhile since I've really used pgp and wanted to update myself.  I downloaded
the freeware MIT 5.0 version, installed it on my Debian machine and was
under the impression I _had_  to
generate the Diffie-Hellman keys to be able to communicate with other 5.0

   During the install process, however, I noticed immediately I was missing
my pgp.cfg file.  While thrashing around the pgp newsgroups and Deja News
looking for answers, the impression I got out there is that freeware 5.0 pgp
really isn't all that great, and is useless when it comes to communicating
with folks that are usng RSA keys.

   At this point, I've deleted freeware 5.0.  I'll probably go back to MIT
pgp 2.6.2 and just copy my old keys to the Debian side of the house, at
least until I've educated myself further on the 2.6.2 vs. 5.x varieties.  I
didn't really find any clear cut answers out there while looking around, but
so far it looks like I'm better off with my RSA keys...

   If you have a different take on this or can enlighten me, I'd like to
hear from you...   BTW, Is there a Debian build for US pgp 2.6.2?


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