
On Thu, 29 Jan 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Please help!

Of course!!! Debian users to the rescue come here!

There are two printer spooling systems packages in Debian:

LPR and LPRng, both are BSD style, so initially think that you do not have
an "lp" command wich is part of a SystemV printing system (HPUX, IRIX...)

I suggest you install LPRng wich is and enhaced version of LPR 
(commands and options are the same), also install magicfilter wich will
configure you the printer system in a very easy way, then with 
"lpr <filename with virtually any type>" you'll print it. Easy.

LPRng also comes with an "lp" shell script wich you will let you to
interface to the print system ala System V. I think there are also lpstat,
etc.. shell scripts...

There are many methods to instally packages, the most simple for me when 
I only want to upgrade/install one package is: download/get from CD the
package, then type as root: "dpkg -i <file-of-package.deb>". "-i" stands
for install.

        I hope this helps,

        If something is not clear, don't doubt to repost it


PD: sorry my poor english

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