On Thu, Jan 29, 1998 at 05:04:45PM +0100, Alex Maneu Victoria wrote:
> <-please reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] ->
> Hello.
> Since a long time I have tried to use my soundcard unsuccessfully.
> My card is a Logitech SoundMan Wave. But, to make it easier, let's
> make it be a SoundBlaster or SoundBlaster Pro. How should I
> configure it (I mean,  the kernel, etc.)?

You have a Pro Audio Spektrum 16 compatible card.

>From /usr/src/linux/drivers/sound/README.cards (outdated, but anyway):

  "ProAudioSpectrum 16 support",
        - Answer 'y'_ONLY_ if you have a Pro Audio Spectrum _16_,
          Pro Audio Studio 16 or Logitech SoundMan 16 (be sure that
          you read the above list correctly). Don't answer 'y' if you
          have some other card made by Media Vision or Logitech since they
          are not PAS16 compatible.

ProAudioSpectrum 16 and compatibles

PAS16 has a SB emulation chip which can be used together with the native
(16 bit) mode of the card. To enable this emulation you should configure
the driver to have SB support too (this has been changed since version
3.5-beta9 of this driver).

With current driver versions it's also possible to use PAS16 together with
another SB compatible card. In this case you should configure SB support
for the other card and to disable the SB emulation of PAS16 (there is a
separate questions about this).

With PAS16 you can use two audio device files at the same time. /dev/dsp
/dev/audio) is connected to the 8/16 bit native codec and the /dev/dsp1 (and
/dev/audio1) is connected to the SB emulation (8 bit mono only).

It is always a good idea to read the documentation:

$ zless /usr/doc/HOWTO/Sound-HOWTO.gz

(if you have the doc-linux package installed)


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