I want to use a small Linux system for a print spooler and manager; having
seen some related information here, I pose two questions,

1) How do I setup for control of a remote HP Jet-direct network box, with
HP-LaserJet printers on it?
  -- Can I setup the network box to only accept jobs from the spooler?

2) How can I do printer control; i.e. control adn account for printer
usage; I would like a quota per usage, and the ability to monitor usage by
users. Users would spool to the system using LPD protocol from PCs. I
assume that this requires accounts on the spooler machine?

Thanks for any pointers or information.
Gregory Guthrie
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         (515)472-1125    Fax: -1103
       Computer Science Department
       College of Science and Technology
       Maharishi University of Management

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