I am having some trouble getting dpkg-ftp to work installing hamm.  I have
included some stuff from a dpkg-ftp session (run from dselect) below, in
case anyone can see the problem:

Getting Packages files...(stop with ^C)

Connecting to ftp.debian.org...
Login as anonymous...
Setting transfer mode to binary...
Cd to /debian...
Getting Packages file from dists/unstable/main/binary-i386...
Getting Packages file from dists/unstable/non-free/binary-i386...
Getting Packages file from dists/unstable/contrib/binary-i386...

It is a good idea to clear the available list of old packages.
However if you have only downloaded a Package files from non-main
distributions you might not want to do this.

Do you want to clear available list [y]: n
Updating available packages info, using Packages.dists_unstable_main.
Information about 1439 package(s) was updated.
Updating available packages info, using Packages.dists_unstable_non-free.
Information about 222 package(s) was updated.
Updating available packages info, using Packages.dists_unstable_contrib.
Information about 70 package(s) was updated.
Processing status file...

Processing Package files...
Couldn't find packages file for dists/unstable/main distribution (re-run
Couldn't find packages file for dists/unstable/non-free distribution
(re-run Update)
Couldn't find packages file for dists/unstable/contrib distribution
(re-run Update)

Constructing list of files to get...

Approximate total space required: 0k
Available space in debian: 1308263k
Nothing to get.
Processing downloaded files...(for corrupt/old/partial)

Do you want to install the files fetched [y]: 
Installing files...
dpkg: searched, but found no packages (files matching *.deb)

Do you wish to delete the installed package (.deb) files? [y]: 


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