On Thu, 5 Feb 1998, David Stern wrote:

> Hi,
> I used the auto-upgrade script to upgrade to hamm, then used dselect |
> ftp to upgrade a couple hundred packages in /hamm/hamm, then after I was
> through I rebooted and life was good. Good work, Debian Team. :-)
> Then I restarted dselect and decided to upgrade /hamm/non-free and
> /hamm/contrib, but now dselect can't find the Packages files.  Further,
> reverting to /hamm/hamm, dselect can't find the Packages files. I know
> it's right there, because I'm looking at it in a ftp client.  I've even
> changed mirrors.  I've got dpkg 1.4.20, dpkg-dev 1.4.20, dpkg-ftp 1.4.9,
> which I've verified are the latest.
> The error message looks like this:
> --------------------------------------
> Connecting to
> Login as anonymous...
> Setting transfer mode to binary...
> Cd to /debian...
> Getting Packages file from /hamm/non-free/binary-i386...
> Could not find Packages[.gz] in /hamm/non-free/binary-i386, stoppedFTP
> update available list script returned error exit status 1.
> Press RETURN to continue.
> ---------------------------------------
> I even downloaded the Packages file and ran dpkg -A Packages, and
> the new list was displayed in dselect, but when I selected [I]nstall,
> dselect said: "Couldn't find packages file for _hamm_non-free
> distribution (re-run Update)".
> How can I get dselect to see the Packages files again?
> -- 
> D a v i d   S t e r n                          
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