On Thu, Feb 05, 1998 at 10:44:41AM +0000, Abdelrazak YOUNES wrote:
> Well, I tried to use bootpart and it says me that it has restore the NT
> boot sector but when I reboot, the problem remains. I guess that the
> problem is not only due to the boot sector because dos fdisk says that
> he couldn't read my first hard drive. I guess I'll have to re-install NT
> but I can't by now because my NT CD is not available. So, if someone
> knows what's going on please tell me, otherwise I'll wait for my NT CD
> to come back. Anyway, thanks to all the guys who tried to help me.

Can't you use the NT install floppies with the rescue disk you created
during install or with rdisk? You did create the rescue disk, right, like
the Debian installation disk/CDROM warned you to back everything up ... ?

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