[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alexander Skwar) writes:

> Hello !
> Last night I wanted to install Debian v1.3.1 from July '97 with a
> Kernel v2.0.29.  After I partitioned my hard disk, the install
> programm checked my hard disk for errors and got a whole lot of
> them.  It repeated printing:
> scsi0: Target 6 underflow - Wanted at least 1024, got 512, residual SG
> count 1.
> This started out with a higher number in wanted.
> This message has been printed about 6 times, then:
> SCSI disk error: host 0 channel 0 id 6 lun 0 return code = 27070002
> scsidisk I/O error: dev 08:04, sector 1090338
> And after that, the scsi bus got resetted.
> What does all this mean ?

I had a period of getting this error too.  In my case I could hear my
hard disc resetting itself, sometimes several times in successsion.
After month of getting this error I finally found the reason, the
power plug of the hard disc (the one with the 4 pins) was broken and
sometimes failed to provide power for a very short time.

If that is not the problem recheck your termination.


I haven't lost my mind -- it's backed up on tape somewhere.
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