I have installed the new StarOffice-4.0 onto my stable (bo) distribution of Debian/GNU Linux (1.3.1.r6). When I startup via the soffice script, I get the following messages followed by a Segmentation Fault error. Any idea what is the matter? ____________________________________________________________________
Environment $XENVIRONMENT "" $DISPLAY ":0.0" $SAL_VISUAL "" $SAL_FONTPATH "/home/StarOffice-4.0/fonts/type1:/home/StarOffice-4.0/fonts/75dpi" $SAL_NOSEGV "" $SAL_IGNOREXERRORS "" $SAL_PROPERTIES "" $SAL_WM "" $SAL_SYNCHRONIZE "" $XPPATH "/home/StarOffice-4.0/xp3" Client Host "fea" Display Host ":0.0" Vendor (Release) "The XFree86 Project, Inc (3310)" shift ctrl alt Shift_L (0xFFE1) Control_L (0xFFE3) Alt_L (0xFFE9) XMaxRequestSize 262140 4194300 [bytes] Properties 0x2FEB Windowmanager 8 Screen Resolution/Size 75*75 1280*1024 21.8" Black&White 0 65535 RGB 0xf800 0x7e0 0x1f Visual 16-bit TrueColor ID=0x20 Images (Shared) 0x8000 (80000000) Segmentation fault ___________________________________________________________________ P.S. The installation appeared to go flawlessly. Kind of a no-brainer (nothing to do). -- /------------------------------------------------------------------\ |James D. Freels, P.E._i, Ph.D. |Phone: (423)576-8645 | | L | A | |Oak Ridge National Laboratory |FAX: (423)574-9172 | H | I | L | |Research Reactors Division |work e-m: [EMAIL PROTECTED]| F | N | P | |P. O. Box 2008 |home e-m: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | I | U | H | |Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-6392|world's best neutrons | R | X | A | \------------------------------------------------------------------/ -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .