On Tue, 10 Feb 1998, Alex Yukhimets wrote:

> > I just tried installing the RedHat CDE package into a Debian unstable
> > system.  It was compiled with an oldish version of libc5 and not libc6
> > which the unstable release is based on.  I was successful in
> > converting the rpm files to deb files using alien.  Unfortunately,
> > when I tried to start CDE using dtlogin, I received a core dump.  I
> > received no response from RedHat technical support.
> > 
> I'm sure there is not the problem that the package is not *.deb.
> The problem here is that it was not linked with specific major version
> of libc. If you try to do "ldd /path/to/some/CDE/executable/or/library"
> I bet that you'll get dependence on libc6. Same thing happens to my
> Motif: libXm.so.2.0 seems to depend on libc6 while both of them used
> libc5 headers. 
> The solution is to configure shared lib loader to use libc5 by default.
> If somebody can tell me how to do it, I would be very gratefull.

No that wasn't the problem.  ldd does show a dependency on libc5.

Jean Pierre

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