On Wed, 11 Feb 1998, Charles wrote:

>     I am probably getting on peoples nerves, but I still dont have my
> ppp working on my linux box.  I have followed the howto's and have tried
> what advice has been given me.  None of this has worked so far. :(

I didn't find setting up PPP simple, partly because my circumstances are 
not quite standard. I wanted to set it up on my employer's internal 
phones, so all the machines have static IPs, ethernet cards etc., and I'm 
doing the serving as well as the clients. I also want callback available.

So I wrote down everything I did, which is attached (I hope), and may be 
encoded (I apologise for pine). My modem is external (USR sportster voice 

> I would also like to
> know if anyone knows how to compress an Iomega Zip-Disk in linux, as I
> would like to utilize my zip's for backing up files.

A zip disk is just another disk in linux. I personally use zip (infozip) 
in preference to tar/gzip but that's partly familiarity. I also leave the 
zipdisks as DOS so I can restore files to, say, my wife's Windoze laptop.
The zipfilenames are 8.3, but that doesn't affect what's inside them.

> I also have a line in my options file, that
> calls to a file named ppp-connect in /etc/ppp  however, I do not have
> this file.  Could this be my main problem at this point?

Could well be.

> When I enter pon,

I've not used pon yet, though I'll probably move my scripts from ~ to /etc
when I'm happy with other people (in group dip) using them.

> If I cannot get this
> working, then I will be stuck searching for another OS, but would really
> like to use linux, since I like the options it makes available.  Thanks
> for your patience and any help that can be offered.

It's worth persevering. Cheers,

David Wright, Open University, Earth Science Department, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA
U.K.  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  tel: +44 1908 653 739  fax: +44 1908 655 151
Configuring manual PPP on my bo Debian GNU/Linux computers (both ends),
using mgetty's callback.

It's assumed that all the necessities (PPP, IP forwarding) are built into the
kernel and the packages are installed (ppp, mgetty, minicom).

Configure mgetty for your modem.
/etc/inittab needs an mgetty line on both machines.
s1:23:respawn:/sbin/mgetty -n 8 ttyS1
I use -n 2 on a dedicated modem line, 8+ for callback. Effect changes with
telinit q
to reread inittab or just kill the mgetty process and it'll respawn.

/etc/mgetty/login.config needs callback information adding on the other end.
magic-userid - - /usr/sbin/callback -S 5551212
(Leave it out on the computer whose phone bill you pay.)

Configure minicom; I need: /dev/ttyS1, 115200,~^M~ATZ^M~, ATDT, 90.
(Leave ttyS0 for mice.) Check /etc/minicom.users.

The dial directory for minicom varies from user to user in ~/.dialdir.

That should make callback work ok, with normal login to the other end.

Configuring PPP itself.

adduser myself dip
to allow myself to run pppd, and then logout and back in for it to take effect.

chgrp dip /etc/ppp.* to allow myself to run them (though I haven't actually
used these scripts yet).

Set up a PPP pseudo-user
adduser --uid 1234 pppppppp
and password-for-pppppppp,
then set the shell to /bin/false.

Create an executable file ~/ppp which types
/usr/sbin/pppd /dev/ttyS1 115200 debug defaultroute user pppppppp
where pppppppp is the agreed username. (You only need this file because
you have but a few seconds to type the above.)

For authentication of pppppppp by PAP, add
pppppppp * password-for-pppppppp
(with tabs) to /etc/ppp/pap-secrets at both ends.

To make PPP server use pppppppp, change the line in login.config to
/AutoPPP/ - - /usr/sbin/pppd auth -chap +pap login user pppppppp
Edit /etc/ppp/options and make the following extra lines active
(these words are already active):
(asyncmap 0), auth, (crtscts), (lock), (modem), debug, (proxyarp),
(lcp-echo-interval 30), (lcp-echo-failure 4).

Making a connection:

Down the ethernet card if you want PPP to establish a gateway.

minicom <return> or minicom -d foo <return>.

^a d
and select the entry to dial entry foo.

During/after the loud music, type any character.

(Paragraph for callback only) When the login prompt is given, type
magic-userid <return>
where magic-userid is the magic username appropriate for your location.
When your phone starts to ring, type
ata <return>

When the login prompt is given, type
^a q
and confirm quit, then type
~/ppp <return>

A link should be made, which you can check by typing
tail -f /var/log/syslog
assuming you're in group adm.

You can now telnet etc.

To hang-up, type
poff <return>

Up the ethernet if necessary and type

Automating it and adding chap.

Remove -chap from the login.config line mentioned above.

Create the following files (+- callback):


/usr/sbin/pppd /dev/ttyS1 115200 defaultroute user pppppppp \
connect "/usr/sbin/chat -v -f ~/pppp.chatscript" +chap chap-interval 60


/usr/sbin/pppd /dev/ttyS1 115200 defaultroute user pppppppp \
connect "/usr/sbin/chat -v -f ~/pppc.chatscript" +chap chap-interval 60


""           ATZ
OK           ATL1
OK           ATDT5551212
ogin:        ""


""           ATZ
OK           ATL1
OK           ATDT5551212
ogin:        \qmagic-userid
RING         \qata
ogin:        ""

/etc/ppp/chap-secrets (with tabs, on both machines)

hosta   hostb   "Meaningless words in"
hostb   hosta   "very long phrases"

N.B. The PPP Howto (25 August 1996, line 1400) suggests that the hostnames
should be reversed in the chap-secrets at either end. This is not so. If the
terms "challenger" and "challenged" are used in place of client and server
(or local and remote) over the hostnames above, it's more obvious why the
entries should be identical at each end.

Making a connection:

Down the ethernet card if you want PPP to establish a gateway.

pppp or pppc <return> depending if you want call back.

tail -f /var/log/syslog
to watch it happen.

You can now telnet etc.

To hang-up, type
poff <return>

Up the ethernet if necessary and type


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