at some point around 12 Feb 1998 12:58:39 -0600
Mike Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> mentioned:

> >>>>> "Anselm" == Anselm Lingnau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     > The current boot disks won't allow you to install over
>     > PCMCIA ethernet or off a PCMCIA SCSI bus, AFAIK, but this
>     > seems to be worked on.
> I've done several installations on laptops with a PCMCIA ethernet
> card.  If you copy the pcmcia-cs and pcmcia-modules packages to
> the laptop (with a floppy), you can install them with dpkg and do
> the rest with dselect and ftp.  Should work for a pcmcia scsi
> adapter as well.

i did not find pcmcia-modules to be necessary in my case (may be
i was lucky as far as the hardware i have).  i ftp-ed the pcmcia-cs package
to a dos floppy and copied it to a fresh install of debian 1.3.x
and did a 'dpkg -i'.  this allowed me to use dselect w/ ftp.

if people are interested in a few more details, i have something at:

of course, it's only for one particular laptop (dec hinote ultra2)...YMMV


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