On Thu, 12 Feb 1998, you wrote: 
>  Many packages didn't install, and some could not be removed
> (timezone, wg15-locale, etc).  I manually 
> removed the packages the script didn't, then ran autoup.sh again,

     What version of autoup.sh did you use?  The most recent is
v0.19.  The problems you describe are similar to ones that we
encountered prior to about v0.14.

     Did you run script to record the session, or did you note the
exact error messages?  It would be helpful to have this information.

     By manually removing the files that it failed to remove, and
rerunning the script, you appear to have completed the script
successfully.  If all the packages that the script lists for removal
have been removed,  and all the package that the script lists for
installation have been installed, your system should be stable, and 
the balance of the upgrade can be handled by dselect. 

>    Eventually, the script completed, and I was ready to upgrade
> via dselect using ftp.  More problems ensued.  I'm being told that
> packages I want are not found, even though the option to update
> available packages worked.  Can someone give me specific paths to
> specify in dselect for ftp upgrade?  

     The directory structure for hamm is different from that used
earlier. The paths for dselect are dists/unstable/main/binary-i386,
dists/unstable/non-free/binary-i386, and dists/unstable/contrib/binary-i386.

>    I want to convert my system to Hamm, but I can't complete, and
> I'm afraid to shutdown or reboot for fear it may not come back up.
> Are there packages that run under Bo that won't under Hamm?
> (xloadimage, etc?).  Which libraries must I have to run X-windows,
> gimp, etc, and which libraries must NOT be loaded to avoid
> conflicts?

     I suggest you let dselect update its package list using the paths
mentioned above, enter the select phase and resolve any conflicts it
shows, then let it install everything it has marked for installation.
I recommend that you wait until after this step to select any more
packages.  It will probably be necessary to make several passes
(usually 2 or 3, but sometimes half a dozen) through the install -
configure cycle to satisfy dependencies.  If you use the dpkg-mountable
option (highly recommended if you have a local mirror), it will
probably show some predepends that must be resolved manually before
it starts the actual installation.  With the dpkg-mountable option, it
is necessary to run the update phase after each install phase.

     After this, you should have the necessary run time libraries
installed.  The descriptions in dselect or in /var/lib/dpkg/available
list the libraries that are required for the various packages. In
general, dselect will take care of those for you.  I see that several
people have told you about dpkg -l to get a list of packages installed
on your system.

Have fun,



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