thanks for everything.., short and clear explanation. 

Martin Schulze wrote:

> They're not equal.
>  . Relayed Mail is delivered through an innocent system that accepts
>    such mail.  It is delivered to senders outside of the local area
>    (including MX hosting &c).  Modern MTA's doesn't allow this
>    anymore.  Our server does only accept mail for
>    its own domain, not for others, no relaynig allowed.
>  . Spam is mainly UCE (unsolicited commercial email (sp?)).  That's
>    mail sent to you and a hundred of others that all didn't want
>    to receive them.  Some of the known Spammers may be blocked
>    by MAPS RBL (Mail Abuse Prevention System, see
>    We're doing this on our server
> Regards,
>         Joey
> --
>    / Martin Schulze  *  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *  26129 Oldenburg /
>   / linux: Unbekannter Terminaltyp                                /
>  / Ich weiß nicht, auf was für einem Terminaltyp Sie arbeiten -  /
> / alles, was ich habe, ist 'linux'.              -- Solaris 2.5 /
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>    Part 1.2   Type: application/pgp-signature

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