I see that you appear not to be using a "fuzzy search" but the
referenced site is pretty impressive.  As in most searches finding the
right 'key word(s)' can be tricky but this program is fast enough that a
few iterations is not at all a problem!

Adam Shand wrote:
> > > Am I missing something? Is it present, but not listed? How am I
> > > supposed to know about the packages that do not exist in the US
> > > mirror?
> You can use on of the Debian Package Finders.  My favorite (because I
> helped write it) is:
>         http://larry.earthlight.co.nz/debian/
> Adam.
> ------------------------ Internet Alaska -------------------------
>  4050 Lake Otis             Adam Shand        (v) +1 907 562 4638
>  Anchorage, Alaska    Systems Administrator   (f) +1 907 562 1677
> ----------------- http://larry.earthlight.co.nz ------------------
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