Im using with success AZTECH 2320 PnP (WaveRider Pro 32-3D PnP)
sound cards in my two Linux boxes (with "bo" and kernel 2.0.30, and
However configuring of them was not so easy, and required changes in
the kernel... :-(.
I published my solution in one of linux hardware usenet groups (I don't
remember exactly in which one), but I found a copy on my HD. 
I attach it in gzipped form to this letter.

                                Good luck!
                                Wojtek Zabolotny
                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Sat, 14 Feb 1998, Oleg Krivosheev wrote:

> Hi,
> i'm thinking about adding driver into
> linux for my Aztech 2320 PnP 16bit
> sound card. I've read Sound-HOWTO
> and looks like Aztech cards are unsupported ;(
> Is it true?
> If no, what's the right way to set up
> trhis card?
> >From Win'95 control panel - three devices:
> - aztech 2320 sound device (usual FM 16bit sound device i believe)
> - aztech MIDI MPU-401 device
> - aztech EEPROM (hmm... what is this for ?)
> i'm running hamm and kernel 2.0.32
> thanks
> OK

Attachment: sgmode.cc.gz
Description: Artur Skawina's program forswitching WaveRider into MSS mode

Attachment: isapnp.conf.gz
Description: isapnp.conf

Attachment: letter.gz
Description: description

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