On Tue, 17 Feb 1998, S Lim wrote:

> I am building my first linux box on a 486, 3Com Card (3c509) on ISA,
> ethernet. I set the io address to 0x300. In my first installation, the
> network worked allright. I could ping, telnet, etc. I shut the system down
> and switch it off. When I switched the system on the next morning, the
> networking did not work anymore, I could not even see machines on the same
> subnet. I typed netstat -r, and got this :
> Destination   Gateway Genmask         Flags   Metric Ref      Use     Iface
>    *       U       0      0       1      
>  eth0
>        *           U       0      0       1      
>  I0
> default     UG      0      0       2       eth0   
> The last item (default) appeared after a long pause.

I wonder whether the network was working fully when you booted up. It's 
usually worth trying -n to prevent name resolution in case the nameserver 
is playing up.

> I thought the network card might be faulty. I installed win95 and the
> network worked.

I wonder whether it's changed the settings on your 3c509 card. Have you 
run pnpdsabl and 3c5x9cfg (names from memory) to set/check its configuration?

> So I reinstalled linux. I had to do it for a number of times before I got
> it back to work again. When I reinstalled, I repartitioned the harddisk,
> and reinstalled the driver, kernel and base system. Unfortunately, somebody
> switched the machine off without shutting it down. I have not been able to
> get the networking back since then. When the system boots up, I could see
> the message that eth0 is loaded. The ethernet address displayed is the
> correct one too. Does anybody know what is wrong? 

Well, after checking the card, and taking steps to prevent W95 mucking it 
up in the future if it's still there (cmos settings), why not just 
reinstall the system from scratch and then not switching it off. However, 
there's no need to repartition the disk or reinitialise the partitions as 
they haven't changed, just remount them, so it's quite quick.


David Wright, Open University, Earth Science Department, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA
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