
I had several problems with timezones, and for many weeks my clock was
wrong because of daylight savings (even though it said it changed the
clock at that time, looks like it lost this information at the first
boot), and I had no time to dig into this, untill finally I just
changed the BIOS clock by hand...

But I wanted to understand how does the timezones work, and I went to
/usr/doc/timezones, and found the glibc docs, instead of timezone's!

Well, in my system:

$ date   
Tue Feb 17 14:09:22 PST 1998
$ date -R
Tue, 17 Feb 1998 14:14:47 -0800

nr# dpkg -l timezone
ic  timezone        7.55-2         Data files needed to set your local time

My questions are:

1) Is this correct for CA (-0800, at daylight savings period)?

1) At the daylight savings dates, is timezone supposed to change the
BIOS clock, or should it leave the BIOS clock unchanged, and
"transform" BIOS time in PST time? Will it change automatically now,
when the daylight period ends?

2) Is it better/worse/possible to have the BIOS clock set to GMT, and
let timezone transforms it? In this case, how one can see the BIOS
clock time?

3) should I upgrade timezone?

Feel free to add more comments I did not ask about, that you might
feel relevant.


Luiz Otavio L. Zorzella                 Product Engineer
[EMAIL PROTECTED]          http://www.conexware.com

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