I know Linux can be installed ontop of a dos partition.  Can it be
installed on top  of Win 95 or NT. I need to know this because although I
run linux at home my office is NT and 95.  I would like to be able to boot
to linux in the office in order to work on some of my personal projects
when I have free time at lunch or after work.  How safe is this way of
running Debian?  Is there any chance of it damaging either my office
computer or the network.  (The network is currently 2 base t, but will be
upgraded to 10 base t)  My boss absolutely refuses to  allow me run linux
as a normal part of the network.  Lets be frank, I want to run linux
during lunch and after work. But I do not want to lose my job. Can I do
it? How?  Thank You

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